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I am a passionate horror enthusiast, with a deep love for playing horror games and immersing myself in terrifying narratives. I am a hardcore player of Fallen Earth, and consider myself an expert in navigating its world. As a member of Thuum.org, I have developed an interest in the fictional language of Dovahzul.
In addition to my appreciation for traditional horror media, I am also studying and experimenting with Analog Horror. I have a particular fondness for the works of Gemini Home Entertainment, LOCAL 58, and The Mandela Catalogue.
While still new to the world of game development, I am eager to learn and grow in this field. I am also exploring my musical talents and have created a few compositions, although I acknowledge that I still have a lot to learn.
One of my major literary interests is the SCP Foundation, and I have written 25 SCP drafts that exhibit my imaginative and creative writing skills. Additionally, Nyarlathotep is a popular subject for my short horror stories, as I find the character's mythology and nature to be particularly fascinating.